Mrs. AbiSamra
Grade 9

Research Essay Peer Evaluation 1 (of 2nd draft)

Name of “Evaluatee” ___________________________________________________

Topic: __________________________________________________________________________


Check when appropriate:

Does the Final Draft include

1.      ___________Title page (Header, Running Head, Title + Illustration, Name, Name of school, Name of teacher,
                   Subject, Class, Date, Page Number)

2.      ___________Statement of Purpose (The aim/purpose of this study is to...)

3.      ___________Detailed Outline (following the provided format)

4.      ___________Title (again) + Research Question (that you have to refer back to throughout your essay)

5.      ___________The 500 Word Essay + Word count

6.      ___________References (APA style)-- at least 4 different references!

7.      ___________Appendix (hard copies of your references + additional pictures if any)



Content & Format:


1.      ___________Is the essay a reasoned argument in which the writer endeavors to persuade a skeptical
                    reader of the justifiability of the line of argument adopted?

2.      ___________Is there an argument? Is each part of it clear? Is it easy to understand and does it make sense?

3.      ___________Does the essay develop logically through a series of arguments or points?

4.      ___________Is appropriate evidence used to support arguments (or is it either too little, too much, or inappropriate)?  

5.      ___________Does the essay show evidence of the use of a variety of authoritative sources?

6.      ___________Is the essay clear and readable? (Pay attention to grammar and spelling)

7.      ___________Does the essay contain repetitive or irrelevant material?

8.      ___________Has a bibliography of all materials consulted been included in the “References” section?

9.      ___________Are all quotations/paraphrased sentences properly cited?

10.  ___________Is the essay within limits (at least 500 words)?

11.  ___________Presentation: Has the essay been word processed, allowing double space between lines and a
                   12-point Times New Roman font? Have all pages been numbered? Do the different parts start
                   on a new sheet? Are the Thesis statement & Restatement of thesis underlined?



Research Essay Peer Evaluation 2

Research Question: ______________________________________________________________


Thesis/Claim: ____________________________________________________________________


Evidence 1: ______________________________________________________________________


Evidence 2: ______________________________________________________________________


Evidence 3: ______________________________________________________________________


Counter-argument(s): _____________________________________________________________


Restatement of Thesis/claim: ______________________________________________________


Citations used: ___________________________________________________________________


Paraphrased sentences: __________________________________________________________



References: (APA style) ______________________________________________________________


Letter Grade given ____________________________  (Based on 6 + 1 traits)

Comments ______________________________________________________________


What needs to be improved/added ________________________________________



Name of evaluator _____________________________

Evaluator's Signature

Date ___________________________________