Senior/Extended Essay Rubric
Bacc. II Students
Over 30 (check grading scale)

A Research Question

0 The research question (or specific issue to be investigated) is not stated.
1 The research question (or specific issue to be investigated) is stated but not in a precise manner.
2 The research question (or specific issue to be investigated) is clearly and -precisely stated but is too broad in scope to be effectively treated within the word limit.
3 The research question (or specific issue to be investigated) is clearly and precisely stated and is sharply focused and is therefore susceptible to effective treatment within the word limit.

B Data/Information

0 The data gathered/generated and/or background information selected is completely irrelevant to the research.
1 The data gathered/generated and/or background information selected is largely irrelevant to the research.
2 The data gathered/generated and background information selected is generally relevant to the research.
3 The data gathered/generated and background information selected is directly relevant to the research.

C Analysis/Evaluation

0 There is no attempt to analyze/evaluate the data/information derived.
1 There is some attempt to analyze the data/information derived, but the techniques of analysis are inappropriate or incorrectly applied Where an evaluation is appropriate, it is subjective with no attempt to recognize alternative interpretations.
2 The data/information derived has been analyzed, but not all techniques are correctly applied. There may be some attempt to apply inappropriate techniques. Where an evaluation is appropriate, the possibility of more than one interpretation is recognized.
3 The data/information derived has been analyzed using appropriate and correctly applied techniques. Where evaluation is appropriate, different interpretations have been considered.
4 The data/information derived has been systematically and competently analyzed using appropriate and correctly applied techniques. Where an evaluation is appropriate, a range of interpretations have been considered and their merit appraised.

D Discussion/Argument

0 The major part of the discussion/argument is not relevant to the research question (or specific issue being investigated).
1 The discussion/argument is not always relevant to the research question (or specific issue being investigated).
2 The discussion/argument is consistently relevant to the research question (or specific issue being investigated) but is not organized.
3 The discussion/argument is consistently relevant to the research question (or specific issue being investigated), but is difficult to follow owing to the way it is organized.
4 The discussion/argument is consistently relevant to the research question (or specific issue being investigated) and is well organized and is therefore easy to follow.

E Conclusion

0 No attempt has been made to provide a conclusion to the essay.
1 The conclusion is confusing and/or irrelevant to the research question.
2 The conclusion is relevant to the research question but is not substantiated by the evidence presented. In cases where it may have been appropriate to do so, no reference is made to unresolved questions or new questions that have emerged from the research.
3 The conclusion is clearly stated and is relevant to the research question and is substantiated by the evidence presented. If appropriate, limited reference is made to unresolved questions and new questions that have emerged from the research.
4 The conclusion is clearly stated, is relevant to the research question and fully substantiated by the evidence presented. If appropriate, the conclusion clearly indicates unresolved questions and new questions that have emerged from the research.

F Abstract

0 An Abstract is not included or the Abstract is either too long or too short..
1 Within the Abstract, the topic, the research question, the scope of the investigation and the conclusion(s) reached are not all clearly stated and/or one or more of these requirements is/are omitted.
2 Within the Abstract, the topic, the research question, the scope of the investigation and conclusion(s) reached are all clearly stated.

G Overall Presentation

(Running head- header- double space- font 12- page numbers- titles for major parts- sub-titles- purpose- definition of terms/concepts, illustrations, references, in-text citations, final outline, binding/booklet, floppy disc/email ...)
0 The presentation does not respect requirements
1 The presentation respects requirements to a small extent
2 The presentation respects requirements to a medium extent
3 The presentation respects requirements to a great extent
4 The presentation fully respects requirements

H Language and mechanics

1 The student minimally addresses the topic and the essay lacks identifiable ideas.  The essay shows minimal word choice, may be incoherent, and may have serious errors in almost every sentence.
2 The student identifies the topic but has little elaboration.  The essay lacks plausible support for ideas, shows limited word choice and contains serious errors in language usage, mechanics, or spelling which lead to confusion about meaning.
3 The student demonstrates a vague focus so the essay may contain some irrelevant details or may stray from the topic. The essay shows an organizational pattern, but connections between ideas are difficult to understand. The essay lacks supporting evidence or does not sufficiently develop ideas and shows little sentence variety.  The essay contains several serious errors in language usage, mechanics, or spelling which may cause distraction and some confusion about meaning.
4 The student demonstrates a fairly clear focus. The essay shows an organizational pattern, but connections between ideas may be difficult to understand. The essay contains supporting evidence that may lack effect, and therefore only superficially develops ideas. The essay has complete and varied sentences most of the time, and contains some errors in language usage, mechanics, or spelling.
5 The student demonstrates a clear and consistent focus. The essay is logical, but may be predictable or unnecessarily mechanical. The student uses transitions to connect ideas,  and supports ideas with details, quotations, examples and other evidence.  The student uses a variety of sentence structure and vocabulary.  The essay may contain a few errors in language usage, mechanics, or spelling.
6 The student demonstrates a clear and consistent focus. The essay is logical and the student uses transitions to connect ideas.  The student supports ideas with details, quotations, examples and other evidence.  The student uses well-formed sentences that vary in structure.  The vocabulary is rich and includes precise language that is appropriate for the purpose and audience.  The essay contains no significant errors in language usage, mechanics, or spelling.
Grading Scale
29, 30
 27, 28
25, 26
23, 24
18, 19
16, 17
12, 13
0 - 11