
Mrs. N. AbiSamra



Title: _________________________________________________________

Rating:__________________________          Year: _____________________

Main actors: ___________________________________________________


Category: _____________________________________________________

Director: ______________________________________________________

Running time:___________         Film company: ________________________




1- Is the title appropriate? Why (not)?





2- What other title would you suggest? Why?





3- Who is/are the protagonist(s)? Why did you like/dislike them?





4- Who is/are the antagonist(s)? Why did you like/dislike them?





5- Who is/are the character foil(s)? Justify your choice.





6- Which minor characters impressed you? Why?





7- Who was the best actor or actress? Why?





8- Briefly describe the setting (time & place) and comment on its effectiveness.





9- What special effects were impressive?





10- Locate the following:

¨        Rising Point: __________________________________________

¨        Climax:         __________________________________________

¨        Falling Point:__________________________________________

11- Did the plot (or storyline) hold your interest? Why or why not?





12- How did the conflict between characters first show itself?





13- What is the theme (or main idea)?





14- Did the ending leave you satisfied? Why or why not?





15- What do you think the message is?






Personal Assessment (number of stars): ________________________________


Justify your Assessment: ____________________________________________

